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spacer TunerPro

Mark Mansur of www.tunerpro.net has developed the TunerPro application as a framework for custom tuning. He has spent many hours to provide free tuning programs to the user community, which has greatly benefited everyone in the tuning community. We highly encourage you to donate the $30 Mark recommends if you like this program. His website with a donation link is www.tunerpro.net/registration.htm

TunerPro has an internal help file with documentation on its use. For detailed usage instructions of TunerPro please refer to this help file. It is well written and quite complete. A list of TunerPro features is at www.tunerpro.net/features.htm

Screen shots of TunerPro showing a MEFI3 definition being edited for a twin 496 Whipple supercharged Baja boat are below:

ramjet 502

ramjet 350

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