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spacer Polaris Slingshot Tuning

Polaris Slingshot Owners, This is for You!

We can reflash your Polaris Slingshot ECM with improved calibrations to increase horsepower, torque, fuel economy, and drivability. Dyno testing has shown that reflashing a stock Slingshot ECM you are able to pick up 11 rwhp and 18 ft/lbs of torque on just the tune alone, no other changes.

Here is a video of the initial slingshot tuning we did. Slingshot dyno

Please select one of the options below, add item to the cart and checkout. Send your ECM to us at:

OBD Diagnostics, Inc
2121 Ruhland Ave
Redondo Beach CA 90278

Please include the checkout confirmation form with the ECM or a note with your complete contact information and the order number. We have found that the small flat rate box from the post office offers the fastest and most cost effect delivery, but you can choose any shipping method you desire.

Turn around time is 1-2 days depending on the number of ECMs we receive that day.

Item# Weight Price Qty
Slingshot Tuning, Stock
slingshottune 1.1 lbs $500.00 ea
Slingshot Tuning, Cold Air Kit
slingtunecoldair 1.1 lbs $500.00 ea
Slingshot Tuning, Turbo Kit
slingtuneturbo 1.1 lbs $500.00 ea

Unplugging the ECM Connectors

Follow the steps below to easily unplug the connectors from your ECM to send it in.

Pull the orange tab on the locking lever to the "Unlocked" position.
Press down on the spring lock, you will hear a click when it unlocks.
Raise the locking lever. This will partially disengage the connector from the ECM.
Pull the connector straight up to completely unplug.

Call Toll Free (USA Only) 888-469-3274

OBD2 | GM OBD1 | Marine ECMs | MEFIburn | J1939 | Ramjet

OBD Diagnostics, Inc., Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Tel: 310-793-2410     Email: sales@obd2allinone.com
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