For Part Numbers:
16159919 MEFI 1
16189069 MEFI 1
16220371 MEFI 1
16234539 MEFI 1
MEFI Scan 1 |
Part No |
mefiscan1 |
Weight |
0.37 lbs |
Price |
$205.00 ea |
For Part Number:
16210729 MEFI 2
MEFI Scan 2 |
Part No |
mefiscan2 |
Weight |
0.37 lbs |
Price |
$205.00 ea |
For Part Numbers:
16237009 MEFI 3
16237019 CEFI 3
16236999 MEFI 3
12489488 MEFI 3
12489493 MEFI 3
MEFI Scan 3 |
Part No |
mefiscan3 |
Weight |
0.37 lbs |
Price |
$205.00 ea |
For Part Numbers:
12569494 MEFI 4
12575479 MEFI 4A
88962717 MEFI 4A
88962718 MEFI 4A
12584052 MEFI 4B
MEFI Scan 4 |
Part No |
mefiscan4 |
Weight |
0.37 lbs |
Price |
$205.00 ea |
This is a trimmed-down version of our MEFI Scan & TuneTM system for the user that just wants to do scanning / monitoring, data logging, and malfunction trouble code viewing. If you decide later that you want the ability to do tuning as well, you can upgrade to our MEFI Scan and TuneTM packages for just the difference in price between the MEFI Scan and the other package. You have nothing to lose by trying MEFI Scan first.
The MEFI Scan kit includes:
- A 6-foot scanning cable, USB on one end and 10 pin connector on the other
- Scanning software with a scanning definition for your version of the MEFI, utilizing the ScannerPro application, which allows you to do scanning / monitoring, data logging, and malfunction trouble code viewing.
There are 4 versions of MEFI Scan available. Choose the correct version above for your version of the MEFI controller:
- MEFI Scan 1 for MEFI 1 Controllers
- MEFI Scan 2 for MEFI 2 Controllers
- MEFI Scan 3 for MEFI 3 Controllers
- MEFI Scan 4 for MEFI 4, 4a, and 4b Controllers