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spacer MEFI J1 and J2 Sockets, 10 pack



MEFI J1 and J2 Sockets, 10 pack
Part No j1j2sockets
Weight 0.1 lbs
Price $9.45 ea

MEFI 1 through 4B ECMs have two high density 32 pin connectors, J1 and J2. The keying on the two connectors are different, preventing the connectors from being plugged in to the incorrect connector. The alignment keys are a plastic piece on the nose of the connector, The J2 connector (this one) has a clear alignment key, J1 has a smoky one.

Each connector assembly contains several parts.

  • A backshell that holds the assembly
  • A green weathertight seal
  • AÂ white connector that aligns the sockets
  • The keying nose piece
  • Crimp sockets and/or Empty hole plugs for unused pins

Each of these kits contains the pieces above including 16 crimp sockets and 16 hole plugs. Additional crimp sockets and hole plugs are available.

Also Available:

J1 Connector

service engine soon ALDL
service engine soon ALDL

10 Pack of Hole Plugs

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