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spacer J1939 Type 2 (Green) Female to J1939 type 1 Male Adapter

We also have:
Dual Adapters
Triple Adapters

The adapter below is a straight through adapter - all pins wired 1:1. It will work in most situations. We also offer other adapters below this one for use in specific situations where connecting all lines may cause communication issues or where the device being connected does not handle the new high data rate.

J1939 Type 2 to Type 1 Adapter
Part No j1939-t2t1
Weight 0.24 lbs
Price $62.50 ea

Starting in 2016 All heavy equipment vehicles are equipped with the new high speed J1939 Type 2 system. This system has Green colored connectors instead of the standard black Type 1. A type 1 connector cannot plug into a type 2, but the type 2 can plug into both.

The Green connector is available with a locking ring and without a locking ring. Rotating the locking ring when connected assures that the connector cannot come unplugged accidentally. The connector without the lock ring is pressure fitted and is more suited for a test or diagnostic environment where the connector is plugged and unplugged regularly. All of our Type 2 cables can be special ordered with the non-locking connector for an additional cost and lengthened delivery time. Contact us at sales@mefiburn.com for more information.

J1939 Type 1 and Type 2 Pin Designations
Pin Type 1 Type 2
A Ground Ground
B Battery Battery
C J1939+ 250kb J1939+ 500kb
D J1939- 250kb J1939- 500kb
E J1939 Shield J1939 Shield
F J1708+ J1708+ / J1939+ 250kb
G J1708- J1708- / J1939- 250kb
H OEM Specific OEM Specific
J OEM Specific OEM Specific

Different Wiring Schemes

If you look at the 9-pin green connector in your truck, you can compare the pin positions with the photos below. Some trucks have more than one set of pins
Type CD
Many pieces of test equipment or GPS units are capable of handling the high data rates in a type 2 system, but come from the factory with a type 1 connector. Type CD places the High Data rate J1939 connection from Pins C and D of of the Type 2 connector to the standard
Type FG
Many vehicles with the green connector place the older, 250Kb J1939 onto pins F and G of the new connector. The Type FG adaptor connects these pins to the standard J1939 pins (C and D) on the Type 1 Connector which will allow older units to communicate.
Type HJ
Some vehicles with the green connector place the older, 250Kb J1939 onto pins H and J of the new connector. The Type HJ adaptor connects these pins to the standard J1939 pins (C and D) on the Type 1 Connector which will allow older units to communicate.

Wiring Connections
J1939-2 Signal J1939-1 CD J1939-1 FG J1939-1 HJ
A Ground A A A
B Battery B B B
C J1939+ C - -
D J1939- D - -
E J1939 Shield E E E
F J1939+ - C -
G J1939- - D -
H J1939+ - - C
J J1939- - - D

J1939 Type 2 Locking Female C/D to J1939 Type 1 Male Adapter
Part No j1939-t2adap
Weight 0.24 lbs
Price $57.70 ea

J1939 Type 2 Locking Female F/G to J1939 Type 1 Male Adapter
Part No j1939FG-t2adap
Weight 0.24 lbs
Price $57.70 ea

J1939 Type 2 Locking Female H/J to J1939 Type 1 Male Adapter
Part No j1939HJ-t2adap
Weight 0.24 lbs
Price $57.50 ea

Dual Adapters

J1939 Type 2 (Green) Female to Dual J1939 type 1 Male Adapter



If you look at the 9-pin green connector in your truck, you can compare the pin positions with the photos below.
Type FG
Many vehicles with the green connector place the older, 250Kb J1939 onto pins F and G of the new connector. The Type FG adaptor has both the straight through CD connector and connects the F and G pins to the standard J1939 pins (C and D) on the second Type 1 Connector which will allow older units to communicate.
Type HJ
Some vehicles with the green connector place the older, 250Kb J1939 onto pins H and J of the new connector. The Type HJ adaptor has both the straight through CD connector and connects the H and J pins to the standard J1939 pins (C and D) on the second Type 1 Connector which will allow older units to communicate.

If you do not know which adapter to use - whether your device supports the high data rate or if the low data rate is on pins F and G, then this adapter will allow you to try both. One Type 1 connector is wired using pins C and D of the Type 2 connector and the other is wired using pins F and G.
J1939 Type 2 Female to Dual J1939 type 1 Male Adapter
Part No j1939-dt2adap
Weight 0.33 lbs
Price $65.00 ea

Item# Weight Price Qty
J1939 Type 2 Female H/J to Dual J1939 Type 1 Male Adapter
Part No j1939HJ-dt2adap
Weight 0.33 lbs
Price $65.00 ea

Triple Adapter

J1939 Type 2 (Green) Female to Triple J1939 type 1 Male Adapter



If you look at the 9-pin green connector in your truck, you can compare the pin positions with the photo below.
If your connector is wired like above, you may have readable J1939 data on CD, FG or HJ. This cable allows you to try all three.
J1939 Type 2 Female to Triple J1939 type 1 Male Adapter
Part No j1939-tt2adap
Weight 0.6 lbs
Price $84.00 ea

Don't see what you need? Check out our Custom Cables page or give us a call at 310-793-2410. We can custom make nearly any configuration to your specifications.

Call Toll Free (USA Only) 888-469-3274

OBD2 | GM OBD1 | Marine ECMs | MEFIburn | J1939 | Ramjet

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